Books featuring Steve Lacy

We'll display here the recent books featuring Steve Lacy as an author or a contributor.

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Bone - A Tribute to Steve Lacy

"This tribute was written as a goodbye present for Steve Lacy on his departure to Boston after a thirty year stay in Europe. This is not a definitive biography of Steve Lacy, nor a complete musicological analysis, but a collection of highly individual reactions to Lacy’s art.
[2003 - first edition]

Jason Weiss: "Back in No Time - The Brion Gysin Reader"

"The first anthology of writings of a brilliant avant-garde figure."
[2002 - first edition]

Stephanie Stein Crease: "Gil Evans - Out Of The Cool: His life and music"

"[…] The first comprehensive biography of a self-taught musician whom colleagues often regarded as a mentor. It illuminates how Evans's life and career paralleled and often foreshadowed the quickly changing world of jazz through the twentieth century. And it shows how his unflagging creativity galvanized the most prominent jazz musicians in the world, both black and white."
[2002 - first edition]

Kevin Whitehead, with Herman te Loo & John Corbett: "Bimhuis"

Stories of 25 years at the Bimhuis, told by "the folks who used the Bimhuis": musicians, writers, participants in workshops and sessions, and the consumers of music who come to listen.

Kevin Whitehead: "New Dutch Swing"

Jazz + Classical Music + Absurdism: an in-depth examination of Amsterdam's vital and distinctive jazz scene. Many quotes + a long interview of Steve Lacy.

Thomas Fitterling: "Thelonious Monk, his life & music"

A portait of Thelonious Monk. Foreword by Steve Lacy.

Alain Kirili : "Sculpture et Jazz, Autoportrait"

Le sculpteur et le saxophoniste improvisent ensemble depuis fort longtemps. Une longue interview de Steve Lacy.

Music books

Collectif : Le Livre du Jazz en France

More than 100 composers, almost 200 scores written by French composers or foreign composers living in France.

Steve Lacy: Findings, my experience with the soprano saxophone

Everything you ever wanted to know about the master and his work – by himself. A must (+ 2 CDs).

Steve Lacy: Prospectus

The first publication of some of Lacy's compositions.

Photo books

Lee Friedlander: "American Musicians"

Gospel, Bluegrass and Country, Blues and Rhythm 'n' Blues, Singers and Jazz musicians. More than 500 photos, plus interviewes with Ruth Brown and Steve Lacy.

Roberto Masotti: "You tourned the tables on me"

More than 100 portraits of musicians with a (single) table.

More photos (personal contributions) in the "photos" page.

Catalogues and Art books

Rothenberg and Ulvaeus: The Book of Music & Nature

You don't have to be human to be a musician...

Ciprì & Maresco: El Sentimiento Cinico de la Vida

Il cinema, i video, la televisione di Ciprì e Maresco. Da cinico TV a totò che visse due volte.

Franco Beltrametti: Choses Qui Voyagent


Collectif : Les Années Jazz Magazine


Collectif : Brion Gysin Play Back


Collectif : Brion Gysin - Catalogue Galerie de France


Collectif : Sperlonga Manhattan Express


Collectif : Abracadabra 2
