Steve Lacy Leaves Blossoms

Lacy's architectural mind has built many bridges, his home has no frontiers.

(Rita De Vuyst - liner notes)

Recorded in 2002

Steve Lacy soprano saxophone with:
Fred Van Hove accordion (1) Joëlle Léandre double bass (2) Michael Bezverhny violin (3)
Irene Aebi voice (4-5-6) Frederic Rzewski piano (7)

Ind. Title Composer / Author Dur.
1/ Dances Steve Lacy, Fred Van Hove 8:41
2/ Just One More Steve Lacy, Joëlle Léandre 10:03
3/ Cross Purposes Steve Lacy 14:27
4/ Jack's Blues Steve Lacy / Robert Creeley 2:32
5/ Heaven 3:15
6/ Train Going By 2:34
7/ Deadline Steve Lacy 10:16
8/ Resurrection 3:51
9/ Traces 5:16

Recorded live during "Blossoms" concerts from July 23rd, 2002 until August 1st, 2002 at Café Central, Brussels (1), Café Belga, Brussels (2), Sint-Kwintenskapel, Ghent (3), Zebra Bar, Brussels (4-5-6-8-9) and Zuidpool Theater, Antwerp (7). Recording, editing and mastering engineer: Michel W. Huon. In Ghent (Sint-Kwintenskapel) Steve performed a duo with Japanese dancer Shiro Daimon.

Producer: Naked Music 2004. Executive producer: Rita De Vuyst.

Cover photography of Steve Lacy : Roger Parry (from a video). Drawings: Guy Couckhuyt. Photo of Steve Lacy and Joëlle Léandre (back cover): Rita De Vuyst. Liner notes: Rita De Vuyst.